Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yard Sale pt. 1

So we finally had the yardsale this past weekend at RS, it had been postponed twice. Our team did pretty well (about $300) and personally my family did well and I sold about 5 headbands and a bobbypin.

We also had a meeting this past Monday night. So far we have began planning the evening activities, which will be a movie night, an obstacle course, talent show, Christmas in July and the dance "Movie Characers." We have also began planning the fun impact groups, which vary from art (which is my group) to outdoor excursions.

This past Monday I also got a finance update. So far I have about $930 in my account, which means that I am almost halfway there. I am thankful to all of those who have supported me and I know that the Lord will continue to provide for me.

Well its late, and I need to go to bed but I'm going to upload some pics of the yardsale and new headbands later this week

1 comment:

  1. Yay for joining the blogging world! Yay for Scotland! Love you my friend!
